Muby Tech

What is a Clipping Path Service? Why Do you need it?

By David    August 9, 2022
What is a Clipping Path Service? Why Do you need it?

The best ecommerce businesses offer great products and services – no doubt. But the reason they succeed is not just that. Research has clearly demonstrated that over 60% of shoppers make their buying decisions based on the images they see! The super-crisp, vivid, bright and picture-perfect photographs that seem to have been plucked out of a dream are put on the websites with a precise purpose!

These sites rely heavily on images that have been perfectly optimised through editing and clipping path service to draw in and entice their customers to lap up their products (consumer durables, clothes, toys etc.) or services (vacations, medical treatments, salons etc.). And behind the fantasy facade of mind-blowing imagery is the industrious expertise of an image clipping service provider!

How Are Ecommerce Images So Perfect?

If you thought that the magic behind perfect website images lay in the photographer’s expertise, you are both wrong and right. Wrong because it is not about the photographer’s photo-shooting ability. Right because it is mostly about the photographer’s photo-editing ability!

Photo editing is so specialised and detailed that most of the photographers make use of expert photo editors to do their photo clipping for them. The best clipping path service provider will breathe life into photographs making the subjects stand out boldly and clearly as the sole focus of all the attention.

What is the Clipping Path Service?

Photo clipping or clipping path service is the process by which the complete background of the subject is removed such that the subject can now be placed on any other background of choice. Separating the subject also makes it possible to combine multiple products in a single frame. Clipping path gives the business the freedom and versatility to make use of product/subject in any way that it seems fit. 

This kind of an image cut out service is carried out in highly sophisticated photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop where the expert makes use of the lasso, pen, wand and masking tools to completely separate the product from its background. This process of clipping path images could even take up to several hours depending on the complexity involved and the manner in which the original photo was clicked.

What Are The Applications Of An Image Masking Service?

The image clipping path service is useful in a wide range of scenarios for a broad array of industries, be it garments, gadgets, footwear and even automobiles. Here are some of its key uses.

1. Clipping service to make the product stand out on white background 

If you observe closely, you will notice that each and every ecommerce site out there displays its products against perfectly white (or some other solid colour) backgrounds. The plain white (or single colour) background easily highlights the various features and specialities of the subject. It also ensures that the customer or viewer is not distracted by any elements in the background. Having managed to grab the fleeting attention of the potential customer, the goal is to keep it focused and sharp on the product at hand. 

There is another critical reason to make use of uniform white or solid colour backgrounds in websites. Such a background allows for a consistent and smooth ‘flow’ of images in the product pages. This makes the website look truly professional and thus aids in enhancing the customer’s trust quotient. 

There is also the fact that a uniform background makes the products seem well-organised and sorted, making it easy for the viewer to browse through them. 

2. Image masking service for image retouching 

Unseen to the untrained eye, there are many imperfections in a photograph including noise, dust, scratches, blemishes, under eye circles, wrong colours, wrong tones and improper brightness, saturation, vibrance or contrast. All of these can be corrected by image retouching. Clipping path helps to separate the subject and make all these defects stand out without distractions. Thus, it becomes much easier for the designer or technical expert to correct them. 

Such image cropping service followed by image retouching are ubiquitously used in beauty, architecture, weddings, jewellery and luxury. 

3. Clipping path photo for ghost mannequins 

Ghosting mannequins is a regular feature in the garments industry. Haven’t you seen just a t- shirt and track-pant combination as if a person is wearing them but the hands, legs and head of the person is missing? Also called the neck-joint service, this involves photographing the clothes by putting them over mannequins and then applying the clipping path service. All traces of the ‘dummy’ are removed to achieve the impressive and magical effect of the clothes standing by themselves.

The photos definitely appear more impactful and attractive while retaining the focus only on the garments. Even the face of an attractive model is not allowed to distract from the product being displayed. 

4. Clipping path photo editing for better colour corrections 

Our perception of the subject’s colour is influenced by the colours in the surrounding as well. Masking the image allows better colour correction. Also, in some cases, the different colour variants of a product can be created with the photo of a single variant using colour correction if the subject has been separated from the background. 

What Nobody Tells You About Photo Clipping?

A simple online search will reveal hundreds of ‘do-it-yourself’ photo clipping techniques (which you can apparently do despite being a novice). This is indeed a delusion because experts invest years in training and hours in working to create the perfect clipping path photo. Even if you possess advanced photo-editing software, photo clipping is not easy to achieve. 

At Mubytech, we are professional image clipping path service providers, serving brands and businesses across the globe, with the highest quality image masking service. Our strength is our expert team with extensive experience in the industry along with access to the best software and infrastructures. With our in-depth knowledge, we promise to make the latent magic in your images patent and alive!

By MubyTech
Global Image Editing Partner

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