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Muby Tech | Top 5 Ecommerce Photo Editing Tips to Boost Your Online Sales

Top 5 Ecommerce Photo Editing Tips to Boost Your Online Sales

By David    July 11, 2024
Top 5 Ecommerce Photo Editing Tips to Boost Your Online Sales

An E-commerce business is a platform where the more things look good, the more they sell. Hence, people e-commerce business people make sure their product looks good and attractive online to make it a point of attraction for customers. The condition leads to ecommerce photo editing. High-quality images are one of the best ways to attract customer’s attention and also convince them to buy a product. Hence, it is an essential part of the business to enhance customer engagement. 

High-quality edited images help an ecommerce business to allow a customer to stop random scrolling and have a look at your products on the website. It helps to increase the count of normal website visitors to potential customers. Hence, ecommerce business has a huge importance on edited pictures to display on the website. The image also helps the customers to make an image in their mind about the final product to hit that buy option immediately. 

MubyTech provides photo editing services to different types of businesses. They provide services to industries such as ecommerce photo editing, fashion photo editing, retail photo editing, magazine photo editing, retail photo editing, and to multiple other businesses. They help ecommerce platforms by providing different services, such as retouching, background removal, ghost mannequin effect, and color match, to make a product picture look more attractive and unique. 

Mentioned below are the top five ecommerce photo editing tips that help an ecommerce business boost its online sales:

Use High-Definition Images

High-Definition images refer to the quality of the image, or it can also be termed as pixels per inch. It decides the clarity and sharpness of the image that can be displayed allowing an image to look clear and fine. High- Definition images are a must for the ecommerce industry to make a product stand out from others in the market. The first impression of a consumer builds up over a website with the help of product images. Hence, photo retouching service holds huge importance for ecommerce businesses. Such services help business owners make their products look flawless and allow customers to build their trust in the product.  

High- Definition images help a business to enhance the details of their product sharply and crisply, which directly enhances the online sales of the business. When customers are able to see the details of the product with ease, it helps to build their trust in the product to be purchased and rely on the quality as well. High-resolution images zooming in over the details of the product help the business to grab more attention from the customers. 

Setting the DSLR settings on the highest resolution settings helps one to capture the best image of the product. Capturing product images at the highest resolution is always advisable as it can be adjusted while editing the image, but the scenario cannot be vice versa. The resolution of an image cannot be enhanced while editing. 

MubyTech provides some of the best image-enhancing solutions. They help to balance the color and contrast of the image to make it look more creative and attractive. They help to enhance the quality of the image, making it look sharper and detailed, perfect for ecommerce product photography. 

Optimize Image Backgrounds

Muby Tech | Top 5 Ecommerce Photo Editing Tips to Boost Your Online Sales

The background plays a vital role. A contrasting background according to the color of the product helps to make a product stand out for customers’ detailed attention over the product. In case of an issue with the background, while capturing the image, background removal services come to the rescue. Such services help to balance the background of the image accordingly to divert the attention of the audience towards the product. 

May it be getting clean backgrounds or replacing them with a solid color, MubyTech provides all kinds of services to make your background apt to make the product the centre of attraction. They provide services such as the removal of the background of an image, replacing an image’s background with a solid color, use of another photo cut-out for the background, and removing disturbing objects from the background. The photo editor platform provides all these services without disturbing the quality of the image. They also accept bulk orders for background correction of images. 

Muby Tech | Top 5 Ecommerce Photo Editing Tips to Boost Your Online Sales

Enhance Product Colors and Texture

Statistics Give a Clear Direction

The colors and texture of photos play a vital role in ecommerce business. Adjusting the color of an image helps to make the image look more attractive along with the inclination of the customer to buy the product. Hence, color adjustment is a crucial part of ecommerce photo editing. 80% of the time, a customer relies on the image of the product sold on the website. Hence, only the best-edited shots are displayed for huge customer engagement. Color correction services help to make a product look more desirable which directly boosts the sales of the product.

MubyTech provides the best color correction services in the industry for cleaner and attractive images. They ensure the quality of the image is maintained along with perfectly balancing the colors, proper proportion of darkening and brightening the images, and achieving the perfect equal tone. They also make sure to deliver the images on time with perfection in their work. 

Use Consistent Lighting

Consistent lighting plays a vital role in product photography. It helps to make a product enhanced in the picture for an attractive shot to be displayed on the website. Consistent lighting creates an overall impression of the product which plays a major role in enhancing the sales of the business. Proper lighting helps to enhance very detail of the product, which is emphasized by customers while having a check of the product.

Consistent lighting also plays a vital role in enhancing the key features of the product. For example- A proper lighting plays a major role while clicking pictures of formal shoes. The shinier the shoes look, the more a customer is attracted by their color and quality. Hence, an image can surely make or break the purchasing decision of the customer.

The use of a lightbox is the best way to eliminate shadows and get perfect pictures with quality lighting. It also helps to add a professional touch to the image. Though natural light is the perfect choice to click images, due to its unavailability at certain times, the use of professional studio lights is a wise choice. To get that perfect shot with amp lighting, move the lighting sources in different directions and angles to set the light appropriately for a clear shot. The use of a plain background or use of a background suitable according to the product is also essential for light to work its magic while clicking the image of the product.   

MubyTech is the perfect picture editing service to manage the lighting, colors, masking, and background of an image. They help to manage the lighting of the image to achieve an even tone and get a clear and crisp image, which is necessary for ecommerce business. Fixing low lighting or managing shaky images are also some of the services provided by them. All these services are provided at affordable cost with timely delivery.

Add Informative and Attractive Overlays

Adding overlays to an image immediately helps to enhance the depth and beauty of an image. It helps to give a creative perspective to an image and make it look more attractive and interesting. A customer may browse a simple image with a simple edit over a website. Still, an image with peculiar edits and overlay effects will surely be a head-turner for a customer. It easily enhances the chances to purchase a product, improving website sales.

Simple overlaying without cluttering the image is a sure-shot way to enhance the depth and beauty of an image. Blending product images with attractive and informative text can help enhance the image quality. Smart blending of images with the help of the right tools can help one create the best sellable image. Fotor, PinnacleCart, Photoroom, Adobe, and Pixlr are some of the best platforms for adding professional overlays to an image, making it look more deep and professional. Overlaying text on an image is also helpful to make an image look informative which is also essential for product listing on a website. 

MubyTech is a professional online editing service providing professional overlays to your product images. The service helps to make the image look professional and attract customers for higher online sales. The professional service platform also provides various other services, such as photo retouching, photo resizing, color correction, ghost mannequin editing, and various other editing services.


Ecommerce photo editing is an essential part of the ecommerce business. May it be adjusting the resolution of the image, adjusting the light, or managing the colors and texture of the image, each editing form holds huge importance for a perfect picture. Even the background of the product image holds huge importance which can easily make or break the deal for a customer.

Adding overlay is also an effective technique to make an image look attractive to boost sales easily. The use of such editing tips can easily help an online business to change the profit game. Hence, it is advisable to consider image editing an essential part of the business. MubyTech is the right editing service provider with multiple editing services to make an image look highly professional and attractive for high customer engagement.

‘Try now’ these tips to make your image look boring to unique and interesting. 

Try out MubyTech’s services and assistance for the best image editing for your product to boost your online sales in the best and most affordable way.

By MubyTech
Global Image Editing Partner

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