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Muby Tech | Breaking Creative Boundaries with Generative AI

Breaking Creative Boundaries with Generative AI

By David    August 12, 2024
Breaking Creative Boundaries with Generative AI

In the ever-evolving digital media domain, the fusion of technology and creativity is breaking new ground, particularly in the realm of production. Take a look over the past few years- you will realize how artificial intelligence (AI) has already started revolutionizing the way post-production studios work while introducing the concept of AI Co-Creation.

From photo editing and retouching to image creation services, the advent of generative AI is not just a technological advancement but a paradigm shift. Collaboration within the creative industry has always been the main pillar. But co-creating with generative AI tools is pushing the boundaries, forming a creative industry where human creativity is seamlessly integrated with the prowess of artificial intelligence.

In terms of the future of the creative industry, generative AI is forecasted to be the master artisan who will sculpt and refine digital masterpieces with unprecedented precision and innovation. These talks about generative AI revolutionizing creativity might leave you wondering how Enhancing Creativity with AI is possible or how AI can streamline day-to-day co-creating activities.

In this article, we will discuss how generative AI is pushing creative boundaries and give a few ideas about how you can use this incredible technology to start co-creating.

Maximizing Potential, Not Replacing Passion

Understandably, employers and employees alike are hesitating to adopt generative AI tools due to the fear of the unknown impact they could have on the future of the creative industry. However, little do they realize that AI is still in its infancy and has a long way from replacing humans. In fact, generative AI in post-production, like AI-powered photo Editing, image creation or processing, or Generative AI in Photo Retouching, won’t work without human input!

Think of generative AI as the ultimate sidekick in the creative industry, unlocking doors to realms of imagination we never knew existed. It’s not here to replace the spark that drives creatives—far from it! Instead, it’s the turbo boost propelling their passion to new heights.

Picture this: you’re deep into a photo editing project, trying to get that perfect blend of colors and shadows. Generative AI swoops in for Automated Image Processing, suggesting enhancements and adding a dash of creativity you might not have thought of. It’s like having an extra set of super-talented hands on deck. But don’t worry, AI isn’t stealing the spotlight. It’s still your vision, your artistry at the core, that would connect with other humans, evoke human emotions, and spark a human reaction.

So, you should think of artificial intelligence as having an incredibly advanced tool that can advance your traditional workflows and handle the nitty-gritty, freeing you up to dive deeper into the parts of your craft you love the most. The passion and personal touch? That’s all you. Generative AI just helps you unleash potential, turning your creative dreams into reality faster and more brilliantly than ever before. So, let’s go ahead.

Generative AI Erasing Creative Boundaries

Muby Tech | Breaking Creative Boundaries with Generative AI
  • Sell your vision

Imagine the disappointment of a creative professional when their carefully crafted idea gets a flat “no.” It’s a gut punch, deflating and disheartening. And that feeling is amplified when the decision-makers fail to understand the depth of your vision.  

It’s where Enhancing Creativity with AI steps in as your game-changing solution. With generative AI tools like Midjourney, DALL-E, or Stable Diffusion, you can input your initial ideas and quickly generate multiple iterations, each exploring different angles and possibilities until your vision feels. By presenting a range of polished options, you can effectively communicate your vision, leaving less room for rejection and more for collaboration. Generative AI transforms those “no’s” into opportunities to refine and resell your artistic vision with confidence and flair.

Before the advent of AI, creating imagery for a concept was a time and capital-consuming task. But now, with generative AI, you can experiment limitlessly. Need a quick tweak to see how a concept might look in a different style, color scheme, composition, prop, or model? It’s done in seconds.

Once your idea is accepted, you can carry your read-made brief through production and bring it to life with the right team, photography, video, real product, and AI-powered photo Editing, retouching, or other image processing tools.

  • Elevated modeling

Generative AI’s elevated modeling capabilities, especially in creating hyper-realistic human avatars, are revolutionizing the toolkit for post-production professionals.

Imagine having the ability to conjure lifelike avatars that can seamlessly integrate into any scene, embodying any character or style you envision. With this technology, creatives can experiment with diverse looks, poses, makeup, hairstyles, and expressions in pre-production phases, and that too without needing physical models for every iteration.

Creating pose references or mood boards via generative AI can save time, cut costs, and offer limitless creative possibilities. Post-production becomes more efficient and dynamic as AI-generated avatars can be fine-tuned to meet exact specifications, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with the creative vision. It leads to more polished, innovative outcomes, empowering creatives to push boundaries and elevate their work to new heights.

  • Augmented reality

As a creative professional, you might often dream of exotic, far-flung destinations for shoots, but practicalities like budget and time constraints can quickly ground all those aspirations.

Imagine a few well-constructed prompts taking you to exquisite tropical beaches, mesmerizing mountain views, or even a parallel universe! Yes, it’s possible, all thanks to generative AI-driven augmented reality (AR).

With AR, you can virtually transport your projects to any imaginable destination without leaving the studio. Moreover, AI can generate ultra-realistic backdrops, simulating locations from tropical beaches to bustling cityscapes. It not only saves time and money but also allows for greater flexibility and experimentation. By overlaying these AR environments during shoots, you can visualize and adjust their ideas in real-time, ensuring every shot aligns perfectly with your vision, all while staying within practical limits.

So, leverage generative AI promptly for pre and post-production!

Muby Tech | Breaking Creative Boundaries with Generative AI

Hopefully, by now, you’re excited to dive into the era of AI Co-Creation. Here, we have discussed how generative AI can help with some of your pre and post-production services:

  • Revolutionize image creation

Image creation is the most exciting domain where generative AI is making waves. Traditionally, creating images from scratch requires significant time and skill. However, generative AI can now produce high-quality images based on simple prompts or existing patterns, thus democratizing the creative process.

For instance, DALL-E, a text-to-image generation tool, can generate images from textual descriptions with remarkable accuracy. If you give the tool a prompt like “a futuristic cityscape at sunset,” DALL-E can create a vivid and detailed image that matches the description.

  • Unleash creativity in photo editing.

Another interesting post-production domain where generative AI is making waves is Automated Image Processing. Photo editing has always been at the heart of image processing. Traditionally, this process involves meticulous adjustments to color, lighting, composition, and other elements to enhance an image’s visual appeal. With AI-powered photo Editing, you can’t only automate these tasks but also execute them with a level of sophistication that often surpasses human ability.

For instance, generative AI tools like Adobe Sensei can perform complex photo edits in seconds, such as adjusting exposure, balancing color, and removing noise. Also, one of the most exciting applications of generative AI-powered photo Editing is style transfer. For example, AI can apply the style of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” to a photograph, creating a unique piece of art that blends classical painting techniques with modern photography.

  • Enhance image retouching

Retouching is a critical aspect of post-production, especially in fashion, advertising, and media industries, where the final image must be flawless. Generative AI in Photo Retouching has led to automatic, precise edits with minimal input.

For example, skin retouching can now be done automatically with AI by smoothing out skin tones, removing blemishes, and enhancing facial features, all while preserving the subject’s natural look. 

Moreover, you can use Generative AI in Photo Retouching to perform more complex retouching tasks, such as object removal and reconstruction. Suppose you want to remove an unwanted object from a scene. In that case, you can use an AI-powered photo retouching tool to not only remove it but also fill in the background seamlessly, ensuring that the final image looks natural. 

It doesn’t end here! You can do much more for your post-production outlet with generative AI. But do you feel like you will be cheating on your creativity by using generative AI tools? Remember that it will always be your vision- AI will only be a tool to make it happen. Your creative spirit will remain the heart of the masterpiece. Everything will be under your control. AI tools will only help improve your workflows and elevate outputs while saving time, money, and resources. 

Another point you should bear in mind is that it takes practice to master generative AI tools and capitalize on them entirely. In today’s and upcoming times, you can find a multitude of AI-powered tools offering the same services but varying results and user interfaces. The “hit-and-trial” method is what you should follow to find out what works best for you.

Developing your prompting skills is essential to harness the power of generative AI. A prompt is the key information (usually the text) you provide to AI tools to generate the results that perfectly complement your work. Mastering this aspect ensures that the AI’s output aligns seamlessly with your creative intent, unlocking the full potential of AI.

Generative AI Prompt Tips

  • Think like a photographer: When using a generative AI tool for photography, think about how you would shoot an image, from angles and lighting to focal lengths and styles, and feed the tool the same information.
  • Incorporate emotions: Considering AI-Powered Photo Editing? If so, infuse your prompts with the emotions you want your images to evoke. Whether serene, vibrant, or dramatic, let the AI capture the essence of your vision.
  • Iterate and refine: Start broad and fine-tune your prompts based on initial outputs. Iteration helps hone in on the perfect image, turning rough concepts into polished art.
  • Use visual references: Include links to reference images or describe elements from famous artworks or movies. It will give the AI a concrete style to mimic and adapt.
  • Experiment boldly: Don’t be afraid to mix and match styles or throw in unexpected elements when using Generative AI in Photo Retouching or editing. Generative AI thrives on creativity, so push boundaries to discover unique results.
Muby Tech | Breaking Creative Boundaries with Generative AI


Generative AI in Photo Retouching, image editing, or other post-production services is undoubtedly breaking creative boundaries and setting new standards for what is possible in the creative industry. By automating tedious tasks, offering innovative, creative tools, and enhancing the precision of editing and retouching, generative AI is empowering artists and creators to push the limits of their imagination. 

As we continue to explore the potential of this technology, one thing is clear- the future of post-production is here, and the boundless creativity of generative AI powers it. So, don’t run away from AI. Instead, embrace it to unlock new heights of creativity. 

By MubyTech
Global Image Editing Partner

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